Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders Saurabh Bharadwaj and Sanjay Singh, along with other party members, staged a protest outside Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence on Wednesday, after being denied entry. The protest followed their attempt to enter the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence, fueled by recent allegations made by the BJP about the CM’s house having extravagant features such as a golden toilet and swimming pool.
Bharadwaj, speaking to the media, explained the purpose of their visit: “We came here to resolve the ‘tera ghar, mera ghar’ debate. We believe both the PM’s and CM’s residences should be made visible to the public, and that’s why we are here today.”
The protest was sparked by claims from the BJP regarding the opulence of the Delhi CM’s residence, including allegations of luxury amenities like a “golden toilet,” a swimming pool, and a mini-bar. AAP MP Sanjay Singh accused the BJP of spreading false rumors without offering any evidence. “They have repeatedly made these claims but haven’t provided any proof. If there is a ‘golden toilet’ or swimming pool, they should show us,” Singh remarked.
Singh also claimed that the AAP delegation was barred from entering the premises. “We were stopped outside ‘Raj Mahal,’ referring to the PM’s official residence. Despite our efforts to inspect, we were denied access,” he added.
The tension escalated earlier when Bharadwaj confronted the police outside the Chief Minister’s residence, accusing the BJP of avoiding accountability regarding the luxury claims. He demanded that the public be allowed to see both the Delhi CM’s and PM’s residences. “BJP says the CM’s residence cost Rs 33 crore, while the PM’s house is being built for Rs 2700 crore. If they want transparency, both residences should be shown,” Bharadwaj said.
The protest intensified when AAP leaders found themselves face-to-face with heavy police barricades, water cannons, and additional security personnel. Bharadwaj criticized the BJP for trying to prevent media access to the site, suggesting that the party was avoiding scrutiny now that the media was involved.
“BJP used to release new photos and videos of the CM’s residence every day, but now that we’ve brought the media with us, they’re hiding. We want to see if the luxury amenities are real or just baseless allegations,” Bharadwaj stated.
Bharadwaj further emphasized that the BJP’s focus on the CM’s residence was a distraction from more pressing issues like water and electricity. “The BJP wants to shift the conversation to residences, but we want to discuss real issues. The public should see both the CM’s and PM’s residences. The BJP is nervous because they agreed to show the CM’s house,” he said.
The BJP had previously labeled the CM’s residence as “Sheesh Mahal,” alleging that it housed luxurious amenities. Following the protest, Bharadwaj and Singh sat on a dharna outside the CM’s residence, engaging in heated exchanges with police officers deployed at the site.